The Strategy and Movement for an Emergent Pakistan

Nurturing API Token Economy to Empower Startups, Developers, and Investors around the World. Helping You Build Your Billion Dollar API-First Startup by Fusing Serverless, Blockchain, DeFi, AI, IoT, and Quantum Computing Technologies in Next-Gen APIs.
What One Man Can Do, Another Can Do

Your Role in the Revolutionary Movement

Certified Developer
Become a Certified Unicorn Developer after receiving required training.
Startup Founder
Become founder of an API-First startup, you will be incubated and facilitated.
Startup Investor
Invest in API-First Startups on revenue-sharing basis.
Establish Training Center
Open a training institute in your city to train developers. We will be provided the necessary material to easily establish such centers all over Pakistan.
Raise Capital
Raise capital for your existing company by getting listed on the global crypto markets.
We want to introduce to the world the new concept of API Token Economy in which the API usage based subscription revenue is directly shared with the API developers, startup investors, other stakeholders. This will empower both the software developers as well as the investors.
Zia Khan
Our First Startup Incubation: Panacloud

In order to make this API Token Economy a reality as a first step, a global decentralized platform is required. The first startup we are incubating is Panacloud which is currently developing the decentralized platform for the API token economy. This SaaS and Dapp platform will facilitate developers in building, financing, managing, and monetizing multi-tenant APIs. Smart contracts are also under development which will make the ecosystem decentralized. Panacloud will also develop frameworks and libraries for the API developers.

Mission Section
API Token Economy to Empower Developers, Investors and Startups

We project that the API Economy and the Token Economy will be the next trillion-dollar software waves. The API Economy will be built by fusing serverless, AI, IoT, quantum computing, and blockchain technologies. The decentralized nature of blockchain creates the new concept of a token economy in which the community’s revenue can be allocated to the actual content and code producers and service users who create value. We want to use the token economy to empower API software developers. In order to produce results, focus is essential. The plan is to focus like a laser beam on creating a new global API Token Economy which will benefit developers not just in Pakistan but around the world.

Mission Section
Startups are the Solution

It is estimated that between 25,000 to 40,000 developers and IT specialists will be required to increase Pakistan’s IT services exports by a billion dollars. If we do the math's it is obvious that the target will be very difficult to achieve just by focusing on IT services. What will be required is a focus on building unicorn startups.

Mission Section
Future Plan for Pakistan

Pakistan’s IT export has reached two billion dollars, with an annual growth rate of 40%, and it is expected to reach five billion by 2023 at the current rate of growth. However, this is not enough if we want to make Pakistan an IT hub that will resolve its economic woes. The potential is there to increase IT exports to fifty billion dollars in the next few years. In order to achieve this target a clear plan of action, a focused strategy, and vigorous execution will be required.

Mission Section
The Grassroot Movement

Operation Unicorn is a strategy and a movement for an emergent Pakistan by creating a Global API Token Economy. The movement is a not-for-profit entity that will invite everyone to join and contribute. Members will adopt different roles to make the strategy successful. The movement will focus on creating an API Token Economy by building platforms for and incubating API-First Startups and raising funding for these startups in the global token marketplace. It will also train API developers for these startups. Once the movement has started producing results in Pakistan, we plan to extend it to other countries for the benefit of all humankind.

Mission Section